In recent years, the quality of replica Richard Mille watches has really come a long way. These days, you don’t hear much about the old KV factory, as “super clone” Richard Milles have gotten way better—and pricier too. Some of the new models on the market can go for thousands of US dollars. But the question is, would you really want to spend that much on a replica?
For most people, probably not, and honestly, I wouldn’t recommend it either. At the end of the day, it’s still a replica. Richard Mille watches have these unique skeleton dials that are super tough to copy perfectly. Up close, people who know their stuff would probably spot that it’s not the real deal.
While there are definitely some replica RM watches worth buying, not all of them hit the mark. Plus, new super clones often come out at a hefty price, so it can be smart to wait a while—usually around a year—when the price tends to drop, and you can get a similar model at a better deal.
Now, this new RM67-02 replica isn’t from one of the usual factories; it’s custom-made by a smaller department. I’m not entirely sure who made it, but they’re clearly a huge Richard Mille fan. This is one of the thinnest Richard Mille replicas I’ve seen, coming in at just 8.4mm thick. With that kind of slim mechanical movement, it’s impressive—most three-hand automatics aren’t made this thin.
Apparently, this model comes in almost 12 different colours, and I’ve taken some photos of the orange one—it’s a beauty. The coloured versions do come at a higher price than the black one, though. The carbon case material looks great, and it has titanium screws, with the whole watch weighing only 36.4 grams. One small downside is the rotor, which can be a bit noisy.
Will Z factory ever make this RM67-02? Only time will tell.