Only a few handbags can be as elegant and chic as the small yet powerful Pochette Metis. This petite shaped purse has everything you could possible want in a bag. It is classy looking, compact and functional, the perfect choice for fashionistas who love to show off their excellent taste in style. I am sure you also agree, Louis Vuitton has done a fantastic job when designing this gorgeous purse. Owning this beauty is every girl’s dream.

Authentic Handbag

It was my dream as well. I spent so much time imagining how the LV Pochette Metis Monogram would look with my favorite outfits, if my Kimono wallet would fit inside and how practical the compartments would actually be. And as any gal with a dream I just went on and made it happen. I bought myself a stunning replica of the Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis and now I am the happy owner of this beautiful purse. It goes without saying; I don’t miss out on any chance I have to show it off.

golden lv lock

Its modest measurements come down to 9.8 x 7.5x 3.5 inches( length x height x width). It might not seem much, but it is a lot for women with a practical fashion sense. You can squeeze about anything inside- your phone, wallet, makeup, perfume and other lady essentials. Because when you say Pochette Metis, size loses its importance. Things like style and design take over proving that big bags are overestimated.

monogram leather and zipper on pochette replica bag

The Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis is manufactured from the iconic LV coated canvas that has adorned and defined so many of these luxury designer handbags. When I see the light LV logo over the dark brown canvas I can’t help but think about refinement, beauty and style. These are the brand’s core qualities; the things that make us love it so much. And let me just say this – the Monogram canvas on my Pochette Metis replica feels amazing. I bought this bag from Bags Vista during Holiday Sales Season. It has that elegant shine, the gorgeous grainy texture at the outside and the robustness and thickness of high quality leather. It is everything you could possible want in a LV knockoff.

handbag bottom

One might say that the Pochette Mettis Monogram is just another square shaped bag, but is so much more than that. Its simple elegance is striking. Shaped as a rectangular body purse, this small lady accessory has a slim and flexible triangular flap decorated with a light pink and gold closing system. Nothing too impressive, but somehow everything looks just perfect. And even though my bag is just an imitation, it has the same beautiful glow, the imposing shape and that firm posture. It is a purse that stands tall and firm on its own. It doesn’t make sloppy creases nor loses its shape in unwanted circumstances.

Louis Vuitton handbag gold hardware

I don’t think any other hardware would have looked as stunning as the gold does when matched with the coated Monogram canvas. It is a match made in heaven. Together they enhance elegance and style. I also can’t help, but notice how authentic the gold hardware looks on my fake LV. It has the same shine and finishing as the genuine one. Plus every metal piece is engraved with the Louis Vuitton name or with the famous monogram. Other cheap imitations have slight discolorations, incorrect font or uneven surfaces that are huge fake alerts, but not mine. My replica has such beautiful hardware.

handbag side

The leather detailing on my LV Pochette Metis Monogram knockoff is also quite impressive. Basically, the bag comes with light cream color leather in the most feminine and alluring shapes possible. The best leather feature is the elegant handle with the “Louis Vuitton Paris” wording embossed on its upper part and red colored sides. If you grow tired of wearing the purse on your shoulder or across your body you can just swap the removable and adjustable long strap for the chic short handle. Other interesting leather detailing are the pink folded patch that connects the closure to the body of the bag, the side leather parts that attach the gold rings to the long strap, the inside authenticity squared leather tab with the “Louis Vuitton Paris Made in France” phrase and the inner patch that has the serial number embossed on it. My LV Pochette Metis Monogram replica has all these leather parts and they are flawlessly crafted. Surprisingly enough, there is nothing about these leather details that would make you think this is a fake purse.

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louis vuitton knockoff tag

One of the things I like the most about this handbag is the closing system. It has an old fashioned yet very interesting shape and function. The mechanism is made up from a triangle shaped upper piece that comes over a square shaped gold part that has two rounded tall domes that when pushed towards each other they release the top metal triangle piece and the closure opens. At first, opening the bag might seem tricky as you can’t tell what to push or do in order to unlock it, but after a closer look your instinct takes over and opening the Pochette Metis looks and feels naturally easy.

monogram louis vuitton handbag replica interior

At the interior of my Louis Vuitton Pochette Mettis Monogram replica I have the same beautiful dark brown microfiber lining as the real bag has. The material looks gorgeously stylish and feels very soft. Plus, its shade is a perfect color match for the whole design of the bag. To keep your important belongings, at the inside the bag has 3 inner compartments that can be cleverly used to suit your modern lifestyle. From dusk ‘till down this purse offers everything you need. Even at its exterior you have a large zipped pocket where you can squeeze your phone effortlessly.

top leather handle

One very important thing you should know about Louis Vuitton bags. They don’t like moisture or coffee spelt over the leather or coated canvas. This goes for replicas as well. If by accident, this happens to your purse then treat it with care and just do the same as I did. Dry it responsibly by using a soft light colored cloth. Never use any cleaning solvent, detergent or soap on it, not even for the inside lining. I can’t even begin to tell you how many chocolate bar incidents I had over the years and experience has taught me that when it comes to LV imitations, shaking off the dust or, in my case, chocolate flakes and cleaning the interior lining with a soft cloth can really do wonders for any bag.

interior LV tag

gold color zipper on fake LV bag

The Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis Monogram replica is my favorite cross-body bag as it is extremely stylish and easy to style up or down. I adore the fact that you can casually wear it while shopping, traveling or at chic parties. You always have your hands free to take pictures, post on social medias or even work on your phone while you have with you everything else you need, cozily tucked inside the purse. Plus, the coated Monogram canvas is really low maintenance. It is not a delicate material that needs to be overly protected so that it doesn’t get dark color stains from your jeans or extreme wear and tear signs due to contact with your clothing, jewelry or other foreign surfaces. I could say that I am quite lucky as I was able to find all the amazing aesthetic and functional qualities of the Pochette Metis Monogram in my most recent replica. This imitation purse looks and feels very authentic. It has everything you could possible want from a knockoff.
