I am not sure which factory makes this replica watch, perhaps it is made by V9, this factory made some replicas of Jaeger LeCoultre watches with complicated functions, however, for a tourbillon watch or a moon phase watch, it is hard to make a perfect replica,while it is much more difficult to make a good replica that combines all these functions together. And I also do not suggest you buy a replica that has so many functions, these watches will easily have issues. Today, I am going to introduce a replica Jaeger LeCoultre watch which some people may be interested in this type of complication watch.

Replica Jaeger LeCoultre Tourbillon Power Reserve
Jaeger LeCoultre Tourbillon Device

The replica has a good quality but not a super clone, it has a real tourbillon movement but the movement appearance is absolutely different from that of genuine watch. The replica is not very expensive, less than 800 USD, for a replica with these functions including real tourbillon movement, the price is acceptable. This replica has black and white dial color options, there are also stainless steel and rose gold versions.

Jaeger LeCoultre Tourbillon Crown
Jaeger LeCoultre Tourbillon Case

The watch has a case that is measured to be 43mm in diameter and 13.5mm in thickness. For a replica watch with a lot of functions, this thickness is very reasonable. The case and smooth round bezel are polished, which is also a classic finish for this type of watch. The crown is big, which is very convenient to rotate, the crown has a polished “JL” logo on satin-finished face.

Jaeger LeCoultre Tourbillon Buckle

The white dial is the essence of the replica watch, all functions can work correctly, the opening window at 6 o’clock on the dial shows a tourbillon device clearly, this tourbillon device looks different from the one used in the genuine watch, but it still works accurately, the sunken small dial at 9 o’clock with blue small hand is a power reserve indicator, the small hand is showing the remaining energy of the watch, once you give a full winding, the small hand will point at the thickest section of the power reserve indicator. The small dial at 3 o’clock is not a moon phase on the replica, it shows day and night, the blue small hand is display the time in 24-hour format. For example, from the pictures, we can read the time is 22:09 PM, so the small hand is pointing at number 22, and there are stars and moon on the indicator.

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Jaeger LeCoultre Tourbillon Clasp

Through the crystal back, we can see the movement clearly, the auto rotor is modified to be skeleton and have a big JL logo on the center. The decoration on the movement plate is just ok, if you compare it with genuine, you will find big differences. The black leather band is made with genuine calfskin leather with croco prints, but you can pay extra money to replace it with genuine aligator leather band.

Jaeger LeCoultre Tourbillon Crystal Back
Jaeger LeCoultre Tourbillon Wrist Shot