Simply speaking, 原单 watch is not genuine watch, it is also a replica watch, but uses a genuine Swiss movement inside.

About the best replicas of Tudor Pelagos, they were made by XF before, but this black Pelagos, which has a 39mm case, not not made by ZF or XF, I only found it in 原单 category. The entire case is brushed, the black dial and black ceramic bezel have sunburst finish, it is the first time for me to see a sunburst finish on a ceramic bezel, in the past, I only saw smooth gloss finish on a ceramic bezel. The 39mm case diameter is a more suitable size for most people.

原单 watch has two big features, first, the finish on the case and bracelet is not as good as that on super clones made by big factories such as VS, ZF and Clean, but their finish is much better than the middle quality replicas. Second, the movement is from the Switzerland, it uses a real Swiss movement. Like this black Tudor Pelagos, it is equipped with a SW200 automatic movement, which is also the reason why it has a higher price than other replica watches. By the way, each 原单 watch comes with an original box.

Sometimes I do not suggest you buy 原单 watches because they are too expensive, and for some details on the dial, they are not made as good as that on super clones. If you have enough budget, I would rather advise you to buy a Fraken watch.

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