Besides 15400 and 15500, the model ROO Diver 15707 is also one of the best-selling replica APs in the past years. J12 made the best replica AP 15707 in the past, if you still have one AP replica made by J12 factory, then you are very lucky, because this factory has been closed for years, and you can not find any other replica watches that have the same quality case and bracelet as J12. Just months ago, another factory named IP published the replicas of AP Diver 15707, the finish is ok, but not as good as the ones made by J12, I do not recommend. But this new AP 15707 made by APS factory is good, I recommend, now it should be the best one in our market.

Replica Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Diver 15707 White

APS factory has been manufacturing replicas of Audemars Piguet for years, we know their 15400 and 15500, but few people know the clone 3120 movement used by Z Factory is also developed by APS factory, and the movement 52010 used in the ZF’s Portuguese 7 Days is also from APS, that’s true, just few people mention this. So today, you know that APS has really made a big contribution to this industry.

APSF 15707 Replica
APSF 15707 Date

The new 15707 from APS has two models available now, one is black, the other is white, both are made with real ceramic and use the latest super clone 3120 movement. On the black 15707, you can see obvious brushing on the ceramic case and bezel, which features high-glossy polished screws in contrast. The case finish is good, but still can not compare that of J12 AP, the case is exactly 1:1 cloned, but still a little thicker than the case of genuine watch, because it is solid ceramic, the watch feels very heavy. There is a crown at 10 o’clock, when you rotate it, the inner diving bezel will move. The crown at 3 o’clock can be used for time and date adjustment.

See also  ZF Rose Gold Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15500
APSF 15707 Bezel
APSF 15707 Case

The dial is ok, the biggest difference lies in the lattices, whose size and spacing are different from genuine. Til today, the lattices on AP replicas, which factory makes closest to genuine, it is ZF, but in subtle detail, there is still difference if you compare genuine watch and the replica carefully. The lume is strong, in order to last as long as the dial lume on genuine watch, please make your replica watch absorb enough sun light during the day.

APS 15707 White Ceramic

The replica watch is equipped with a clone 3120 automatic movement, which is the best 3120 in our market, the movement has been improved two times by APS factory. The movement also used in the ZF or APS 15400, it is very accurate and stable, no people have complained APS 15400 due to the quality of the movement.

AP logo on crown
AP logo on buckle