C+ has been in the market for a while, absolutely they do not have the high popularity like Clean, but sometimes they do bring us some surprise. For example, the Explorer II black and white from C+ are considered to be the best one in our market. Now, C+ just published another good quality replica Rolex, which is the Submariner blue in two tone style, with a case diameter of 40mm. This is not a new replica, C+ published it before, but this one we are talking about today is the updated version, which is V2. It has a big difference if being compared with last V1, the V2 is much heavier, which is almost 173 grams.

There are two big selling points on this V2 Submariner, first, its weight is heavier than the same Submariner watch from other factories, its weight is closer to that of genuine watch. Second, C+ factory also uses a super clone 3135 movement also named Dandong 3135 movement in the watch. Is it the correct time to buy this replica watch now? I think yes, the quality of C+ Rolex has been proven to be very high if you have bought their Explorer II. However, I still have a question on this watch, will the gold fade easily? All customers will have this worry on a golden replica watch. As far as I know, the extra weight of the watch is being added on the bracelet and the metal ring that helps to fix the movement inside. C+ uses tungsten steel in the bracelet, the gold plating is more likely to fade on tungsten steel than on stainless steel, this is real. If you do care, please do not buy this watch.

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C+ Factory Replica Rolex Submariner Two Tone Blue
Replica Rolex Submariner 40mm Two Tone
Replica Rolex Submariner Blue 40mm
Rolex Submariner Two Tone Crown
Rolex Submariner Two Tone Blue Bezel
Rolex Submariner Two Tone Bracelet
Rolex Submariner Two Tone Clasp
Rolex Submariner Two Tone Blue Case Back
Rolex Submariner Two Tone Weight