It seems that the popularity of Hublot in the replica watch industry has declined significantly. I’m not sure exactly when this happened, but I haven’t seen replicas of new Hublot Big Bang models for quite some time. Over the past two years, only a few Sang Bleu and Unico models have been released.
Do you know which factory used to make the best Hublot replicas? It was V6 Factory. When V6 was still in business, there was strong demand for Hublot Big Bang replicas, but today, interest has faded, and many people no longer know where to find the best versions. Since V6 Factory shut down, the only factory producing high-quality Hublot Big Bang replicas is HB Factory. No other factory is competing in this space. This could be a great opportunity for someone to enter the business—if a manufacturer could produce super clone Hublot Big Bang models, they could dominate the market.
The quality of Hublot watch boxes also varies, with the best ones being the most expensive. Below, you can see images of the top-tier Hublot box, which not every dealer can source. It comes with a reference card that has the correct serial number matching the watch.
Regarding the watch itself, both the stainless steel case and ceramic bezel feature brushed finishing, with vertical brushing in the same direction. The black carbon fiber dial looks stunning, and the three sub-dials function correctly. In the images, the central chronograph second hand is actively running, while the minute counter is currently at the 18-minute position. Each hour marker, hour hand, and minute hand has been treated with lume coating for visibility in low light.
Overall, while the box is a super clone, this Hublot Big Bang replica is very close to reaching the super clone level in quality and detail.