Let’s kick off this MM Anonymous meeting by sharing the story of how I landed in MM Anon. It all started when u/hyperlactemiac and u/rotchamole posted their Manuela reviews from seller Max/Chen. A new MaxMara seller? Ohhh, I was intrigued. Was I fully aware that I had already bought and returned an auth Manuela, bought and sold a rep Manuela from seller Icy, and bought and was happy with a rep Manuela from Peltiano? Yes, yes I was. BUT, I just had to know. I had to know how the quality and overall coat compared to the Manuelas of my past and present. I contacted Max to find out pricing. Was I being excessive and environmentally unfriendly? Yes, so I decided I’d skip out for now and just be happy with my Manuela from Peltiano, which was already pretty close to the authentic (minus the fabric quality, which I was ok with. Just wanted the “look”). I decided to be logical and reasonable.

That is until Max messaged me saying that the special sale was ending and that she’d hate for me to miss out such a good price. A sale?? I didn’t even know a sale was going on! It was a great price, and curiosity got the best of me. I bought TWO Manuelas. TWO. Another one in camel and a stunning light blue one. I asked if she could send PSPs, and she said yes, even though she doesn’t send them normally. I GL and I waited. Max shipped via DHL and these babies were in my hands in the blink of an eye.

And here the story thickens. My mom, who is aware of my obsession with Manuela reps, told me that my Rich Aunt (yes, I actually have one! haha) just bought an auth Manuela. Omg….should I ask her if I can compare? Yes. I ended up telling her about my reps and she was really interested in seeing how they fared. She said she might even return hers and buy a rep if they were really good.

So without further ado, let’s get to comparing! The quality and accuracy assessment below will be for Max’s coat. If you want to see my the ratings for Peltiano’s please read here and for Icy’s, hereThough, quick note: When I went to the Max Mara store back in July and tried on the Manuela for the first time, and then bought/returned the auth, that first manuela felt heavier and I remember the fabric being thicker than the one my Aunt bought at Nordstrom and the one I recently felt at the MM boutique. I remember the fabric being heavier because I questioned whether it was ridiculous of me to buy such a heavy coat when I live in California. But the newer authentics definitely feel thinner and lighter; I’d have no problem wearing these around CA. So, what happened? Did they change the fabric thickness or am I going crazy?? Can anyone else chime in on this?

Seller: Max/ChenWechat: maxmax6677

Side by side by side comparison

My photos: Of the Auth | Peltiano | MaxSide by side Mod shots (I’m 5’5 and wearing 4 inch heels in the mod shots)

Factory photos

PSP Max normally doesn’t do PSPs but she was very nice and sent them to me

Auth | Auth

Bonus light blue Manuela I ordered from Max | Factory photo | PSP


10/23 First contacted (decided to wait) | 10/26 Max let me know about the sale, so I order 2 coats11/1 Psps sent, GL and shipped | 11/4 Delivered via DHL


Total Price: $554.44 USD

Original price: 2188CNY special price: 1700CNY

1700CNY x 2 + 400CNY shipping = 3800 CNY ($554.44USD paid via Taobao)

Quality: 10/10

  • 100% camel hair
  • You can beautifully see the “water ripple” effect on the coat, though there is more visible ripple on Max’s than the auth
  • This fabric feels as luxe as the auth. I know because I’m touching them at the same time…..ohhhhhh yeahhhh
  • The stitching is neat and even throughout. No missed stitches or any loose threads hanging.
  • The coat has a really nice weight, doesn’t feel flimsy. Feels VERY close to the thickness of the auth and the coat has the same weight as the auth. (peltiano’s is slightly thicker and heavier, but like I said above, I remember the first auth I bought being thicker and heavier too)
  • The branded lining is viscose, which is what the auth is made of. I was wrong in my review of the Taobao coat, where I thought the lining was silk. This lining feels nice and cool on the skin like the auth.
  • The 2 buttons feel securely fastened to the coat.

Here’s a side by side of the fabric quality, Max, Auth, Peltiano

Accuracy: 8.35/10

Ok, for the sake of accurate comparison, once again I put on the same outfit for all 3 coats. Yeah, I’m about to nitpick HARD to give you the most accurate review that I can possible. Do I personally care about all these minor minor differences? Not at all, but I’m here to be as helpful as I can, so bare with my crazy, ok?

  • The touch and feel of Max’s fabric is LUXE. It feels very smooth and silky to the touch.
  • (-.1) Though gorgeous and lustrous, the camel hair on Max’s coat has a more visible wave pattern than the auth. The auth looks smoother, both on camera and in person. The waves are not as obvious on the auth.
  • (-.25) The color is off. Max’s is much more warm and yellow toned. The auth is more muted and a darker neutral tan, with chocolatey undertones. Peltiano’s is a pretty exact match.
  • The label is stitched all the way down. The Max Mara logo is a slightly lighter gray than the auth. (ok, no one should care but fine, ill dock) (-.1)
  • Fabric lining is branded and says it is 100% viscose. It feels very much like the auth lining. The lining has the Max Mara logos in metallic thread. When side by the auth lining looks a tad more luxe. (-.1)
  • (-.25) Lining color is darker and warmer than the authentic’s.
  • (-.25) The buttons are different than the Auth. Peltiano’s has the correct buttons. THE AUTH COAT DOES NOT HAVE BRANDED BUTTONS. I checked in the store too. Peltino’s buttons look and feel the same as the auth. Max’s button’s both look different and feel cheaper; probably made of plastic.
  • I wear a size 34 in auth but Max’s sizing starts at 36. The fit of his 36 and the auth 34 are the same. I don’t care about the size tag being off by 1 size, but for the heck of it, (-.1) I’m 5’5 and usually an XS, sometimes S, on top, and size 26 jeans for reference.
  • The stitches look good and even, the color matches the fabric well.
  • The angle of the lapels look the same as the auth. Peltiano’s look to be a little less angled (lapels closer together)
  • (-.25) Pocket lining is different. Auth has a plain cotton lining. Max has a silky viscose lining. Peltiano has a silky, branded viscose lining.
  • I measured all 3 coats. Here’s a table, a la u/rotchamole style. (-.25) for inaccurate belt length
See also  1 Year Wear & Tear On Min’s Chanel Le Boy 25cm Bag
Auth Max Peltiano
Shoulder: 38cm 38cm 38cm
length: 43 inches 43.75 inches 43.25inches
width: 23 inches 23.5 inches 23 inches
sleeve length: 23.5 in 23.5 in 23.5 in
sleeve width at shoulder: 10 in 9.5 in 10 in
sleeve width at wrist: 6.5 in 6.25 in 6.25 in
weight of coat: 2.8 lbs 3.2 lbs 4.2 lbs
belt length: 57.5 in 66.5 in 69.5 in
belt width: 2 in 2 in 2.2 in


Side by side by side by side notes

  • Comparing them side by side, the color of Max’s rep is noticeably warmer and has a more yellow tone than the auth. Peltiano’s rep is pretty spot on with the auth color.
  • Max’s fabric quality is spot on with the auth. Peltiano’s is slightly thicker and therefore, the neck and collar area lays differently than the auth and Max’s. Max’s fit and drape is spot on with the auth. Peltiano’s is not noticeably different in drape or fit, bit the collar doesn’t lay as flat, though I don’t know if anyone would notice.
  • Why are the rep belts so long?? Peltiano’s is huge!
  • Would I be comfortable walking into a MM boutique in either of these coats? Max’s, no. The color is noticeably different. Peltiano’s? Not sure. I’m 90% sure that the fabric and weight of the previous auth coat I ended up returning was very similar to Peltiano’s. So maybe I could say it’s an older coat? But if you’re not planning on flaunting your rep in a MM store, both of these coats are BEAUTIFUL options. If the color doesn’t bother you, go with Max for sure. Max wins this round. However, I still haven’t decided which coat to keep.

Satisfaction: 10/10

I love Max’s coats. The light blue is STUNNING and the color makes me feel like I’m made of money. I also really love the camel, but the color is not as flattering on my asian skin; it’s too similar in tone. Because I’m definitely keeping the light blue Manuela I got from Max, I’m leaning towards keeping Peltiano’s. Thoughts?

Service and Communication: 10/10

Max is super awesome! She communicates really well in English and she ships directly without the need for a warehouse. The payment through TaoBao direct was really confusing for me, especially because the payment window popups did not translate, so she ever so kindly and patiently walked me through each step. We sent each other screenshots and she was SOOOO helpful. Thank you Max!!!!

Edit: Thank you to the wonder RL that gifted me Gold. You’re enabling my MaxMara addiction, and for this, I thank you.