Currently, Clean remains the leader in the replica Rolex Daytona market within this industry, but I believe VS now has the potential to challenge its dominance. For the 1165xx series Daytona, the VS factory has released four models: the 116500 Panda white, 116500 black, 116519, and 116518. These four Daytona replicas are sold at a significantly lower price than those from Clean. As I mentioned before, Clean is a reputable factory that seized an opportunity years ago during the closure of Noob and AR.

They have since replaced Noob as the dominant player in this field, and traditionally, no other watchmakers have been able to threaten their position. However, when VS released the replica 116519 and I saw its price, I started to think that VS may have a chance to regain more market share. As we know, the Dandong 4130 movement was expected to be used by VS after Noob was raided and shut down, but unfortunately, VS was also affected by that raid.

For the same Dandong 4130 movement used in these four Daytona models, VS’s biggest advantage is their price, which is much lower. Additionally, VS includes a card with the correct serial and model number for each Rolex. However, to completely surpass Clean, I believe VS needs to improve two aspects of their watches.

Firstly, the dial on the Daytona 116518 and 116519 – Clean does a better job with the sunray polishing. Secondly, the crown buckle on the bracelet – the skeleton on Clean’s version appears clearer and more three-dimensional. In summary, Clean still outperforms VS in a few areas, which justifies their higher pricing compared to other watchmakers.

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The Dandong 4131 Daytona presents another good opportunity for VS to challenge Clean.

As far as I know, only BT and VS are authorised to use the Dandong 4131. I’ve heard rumours that the Dandong 4131 movements have limited stock and that BT will be the only authorised user in the future. Is that true?

VSF Replica Rolex Daytona 116500 Black
VSF Replica Rolex Daytona 116500 Panda White
VSF Replica Rolex Daytona 116519 Rubber Grey