About the gold Daytona 116518, there are several factories that are making its super clone, they are Clean, BT, Gold, APS, QF, New Noob, among these factories, maybe you are more familiar with Clean and BT, which are more mentioned when people talking about super clone Daytona. Gold and APS also make good quality Daytona replicas with increased weight, but they are using Shanghai 4130 movement, which is not as good as the Dandong 4130 equipped in Daytona made by Clean and BT. About QF, I heard very little about this factory, and about New Noob, I have introduced it in one of my articles before. Currently I only suggest you buy Daytona from Clean and BT. Many Franken watches are also customized on basis of the Daytona from them.

The gold Daytona 116518 is a very popular replica, both Clean and BT are make this model and form a direct competition, which factory makes the best one? I though BT makes this watch better before, but after watching a lot of video reviews on this replica watch, I changed my mind, Clean version is better, please buy with Clean.

Look at the pictures in the beginning of this article, do you know which one is from Clean?

First, I want to say the replica made by both Clean and BT has flaws if you compare them with genuine watch. The case has color difference, genuine watch uses real 18K yellow gold, the replica only has a layer of gold plating on the case, the gold tone on the replica looks brighter and more yellowish. The weight difference also exists, the replica is about 35 grams lighter than the genuine watch. The dial printings on genuine watch are better, especially the red “DAYTONA”, which has a thicker font on the genuine watch. I have seen the movement comparison between them and genuine, the decoration on genuine Rolex 4130 movement is better, and genuine Rolex 4130 movement has one feature that could not be found on Dandong 4130.

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BT makes 116518 earlier than Clean, now the latest version comes to V2, on the V1, the gold on the case and dial is too yellow, BT has made the changes on the V2 edition, now the gold tone is very close to that on Clean. However, the dial color is still a little yellow. The dial color on Clean is closer to genuine, I think this is the biggest difference between BT and Clean. Which one will you choose if I put them together. Many videos reviews said the one made by Clean is the ultimate version, so I also recommend Clean even it has a higher price.

Except the dial color, I can not find other differences, can you? Which one is Clean and which one is from BT?