The competition in the replica Richard Mille market has become increasingly fierce. These days, people are only searching for super clones, which has made it hard for some watchmakers to keep up.

For example, KV, once known for producing good-quality Richard Mille replicas, could not survive in the market. They’ve since rebranded under the name KU. However, it’s impossible to get a true super clone RM from KU.

The top watchmakers currently producing the best Richard Mille replicas include ZF, BBR, JB, and APS.

Some may also mention Sonic. While Sonic still makes super clones of the RM35-01 and RM35-02, they can no longer compete with ZF and BBR. With the same movement, ZF and BBR offer their replicas at significantly lower prices. Sonic initially priced their RM replicas very high, but now I’ve heard they offer special deals on the RM35-01 and RM35-02.

For the RM35-01, I recommend BBR.

For the RM35-02, ZF is the best choice.

If you’re looking for the RM055, APS Factory is my top suggestion.

About the Richard Mille RM055

KV was the first factory to produce the RM055 replica, followed by BBR and ZF.

Currently, BBR offers black and white ceramic models. They are also expected to release NTPT models later this year. Both APS and ZF already make NTPT models, but their prices are slightly higher than BBR’s.

Z Factory produces both NTPT and ceramic models, while APS only offers NTPT models at the moment.The pictures below show an RM055 from APS Factory. APS has made improvements to the super clone RMUL2 movement. If you compare the movements from APS and ZF, you’ll notice a distinct difference in the left corner.

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The super clone RMUL2 movement is used by BBR, ZF, and APS, but each has its own unique adjustments.

Replica Richard Mille RM055 Black White Carbon