Today, I will show you some pictures and a video about the latest V2 edition of the replica Rolex GMT-Master II Pepsi just published by Clean factory.

In the past, I always thought that Clean produces the best quality ceramic bezels used in replica Rolex watches including Submariner and GMT-Master II, actually I was wrong. We must admit that the green ceramic bezel used by Clean 116610LV is the best and has the most accurate color, but about GMT-Master II replicas, perhaps there are some other factories making better ceramic bezels than Clean. For example, my friend told me that the GMT-Master II Pepsi made by GS factory has a more accurate blue and red color. So, that also proves my opinion, which is no replica watch is perfect, if a factory focuses on the finish of specific parts and want them look closest to genuine, then some other parts may not be the best.

On the V2 edition of this Pepsi GMT with jubilee bracelet, the bezel was upgraded, we can see the last one picture and video, the left watch is V1, the right one is V2. We can see the bezel color changes under UV flashlight. I am not sure if this new bezel is made by Clean. The blue and red color on the V2 become dark, not that bright on the V1, a lot of people like the color change on the bezel, but some said it looks slightly purplish, they still prefer the color on the V1, what is your opinion?

The Pepsi GMT with Oyster bracelet now also upgraded to V2. The other GMT-Master II models from Clean do not have changes.

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Clean Pepsi GMT

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