The new Oyster Perpetual with bubble dial is in hot discussion in various forums, a lot of people are interested in this replica, there are three sizes for this watch, 31mm, 36mm and 41mm, some watch factories are making the replicas, the earlest one is OW factory, I did not get the bubble Oyster Perpetual from OW before, but I saw many negative reviews about this factory on the internet. The second factory that makes the replica bubble Oyster Perpetual is KR factory, it is better than OWF version but a lot of people said the lug shape on KRF is wrong. The third factory to make this replica watch is EW, actually I seldom recommend watches made by EW, but my supplier said EW has good watches with good prices, they usually do not sell their watches at high prices, and there are a lot of positive reviews about EWF products on the forums, especially the 36mm Oyster Perpetual Tiffany Dial, it is said to the best version in our market, then how about the new Oyster Perpetual Bubble Dial from EW factory? I think it is currently the best one.

The 36mm and 41mm are both equipped with clone 3230 movement, which has a long power reserve up to 72 hours, some clients bought their OPs and tested the power reserve, it is correct. For the 36mm Oyster Perpetual made in the market, the first factory I recommend is EW, not only because of its better movement, but also the price is very reasonable. I do not know the 41mm, on 36mm Oyster Perpetual bubble, EW factory makes correct case and lug shape, OW factory completely makes the case shape wrong, about KRF, the lug shape is also not correct, but the three factories all make the dial color wrong, even EW’s dial color is closer to genuine. I will open a post in future to do a pictures comparison between EWF and KRF. Well, the pictures I share here are 36mm and 41mm Oyster Perpetual made by EWF, how about the 31mm, do you know what movement used in the 31mm OP?

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Replica Rolex Oyster Perpetual Bubble 36
Replica Rolex Oyster Perpetual Bubble 41