Jan 10, 2023 | Bags
Honestly, I thought the Celine triomphe canvas was so goddamn ugly at first (and too reminiscent of the LV patterns which I also hate lmao) but it grew on me so fast. I was originally planning to get the small boston bag but when I saw Laddy had a discount on these...
Jan 2, 2023 | Handbags
Welcome to another episode of heybible’s review! The title of today’s episode is The Ultimate Rebound after the Bloody Breakup 🙃. As most of you probably know, my last review of a 187 from another seller was heart-breaking. It basically destroyed everything...
Jan 1, 2023 | Handbags
PHOTOS For those of you that are like me and wants to see photos first. Stock Photos My PSP From Min My Photos – My Boy Is Turning 1 Authentic Photos BACKSTORY This review is for everyone but is especially dedicated to (1): newbies to the sub (like I once was),...