Many of the best replicas in the world come from China. Finding vendors can be difficult, as there are thousands of vendors out there that are willing to sell you something. The difference is knowing where and how to get the best items for your dollars.
To order from China, you will either need to find a vendor/seller that will ship directly to your address, or use an “agent” to collect your items from various vendors and ship them to you all at once. If you are planning to order directly from a vendor, the main sources of communication will be WeChat and WhatsApp. Both of these can be downloaded on any app store. Majority of people use an “agent,” as it decreases the likelihood of anything bad happening.
Vendor/Seller: The individual that you actually buy from.
Agent: A middleman or service that will order items for you and take care of the process from start to finish. Agents store your items in their warehouse, provide photos of the items you purchased, and then ship all your items to you at once. They work for you and ease the ordering process.
Almost all replica vendors rely on word of mouth for sales. Reddit is a great way to find vendor shops. So visit Reddit frequently and you will be sure to find some pieces you love. Each reddit post requires a link or contact for the vendor, so this is the easiest way to spot items you want. Many links will be in Chinese, but do not worry, you can just right click and choose “translate to english” on Google Chrome.
There are many trusted seller lists found on Reddit that you can browse and use to spot pieces. Sellers on these lists have provided quality items time and time again and are the easiest to work with.
DesignerReps Trusted Sellers: Luxury Brands, Leather Goods, & Shoes
RepLadies Trusted Sellers: Leather Goods & Shoes, but Female Focussed
FashionReps Trusted Sellers: Streetwear, Luxury Brands, & Shoes
RepSneakers Trusted Sellers: Mostly Hype Shoes Like Jordans
Massive List by /u/sheeraaks: List For Yupoo Sellers
Whether you are shipping directly or with an agent, you will need to think about import taxes. Each country has different rules for shipping without getting hit with import taxes. We recommend you discuss this with whoever is shipping your goods. They have a lot of experience shipping to your country and will know better than anyone else. Any good vendor or agent will inform you about your country’s shipping requirements. You can also use the reddit search bar to search your country.
There is a function called the Reddit search bar sitting at the top of r/DesignerReps. Basically, you just need to type the brand or item description you are looking for and “sort by new”. A second option is to simply search the web for the item you want and add “Reddit” to your search. Most reps will come up on a search.