Welcome to the world of replica goods and Chinese products. As an avid member of the AirReps community, I understand the importance of purchasing goods from China in a safe and secure way. That’s why I’m writing this guide – to provide you with the knowledge and tools to make your shopping experience as smooth as possible.
I would like to add that our verified sellers such as HiCity and Jenny already provide safe ways of shipping directly to you. This guide is meant for people that would like to purchase from Taobao sellers, or combine their purchases with their hauls to then ship them all in one e.g. to save on shipping or get QC pictures.
When buying from China, one of the best ways to ensure a safe and secure shopping experience is to use a Taobao agent, such as PandaBuy. PandaBuy offers a range of unique features and competitive shipping prices, making it the top choice for the AirReps community. In this guide, I’ll be walking you through everything you need to know to start ordering products from China today, including popular items like AirPods replicas.
General Info About Taobao Agents
- What is an Agent? An agent is a middle-man service provider that allows you to purchase goods from a range of websites, including Taobao, Weidian, 1688, Yupoo, and more. Think of it like Amazon or eBay for China – solely for China. The problem is that it can be difficult to establish a connection between your country and China. This is where an agent comes in.
You browse through your favorite Taobao shops and find some items you want to buy. Instead of buying them directly from Taobao, you purchase them through your agent (in this case, PandaBuy). PandaBuy buys the items and sends them to their warehouse, where pictures are taken and uploaded for you to see. After you’ve confirmed that everything is good, PandaBuy will package and ship the items to you. They act as the connection between you and Taobao.
Which agent to use?
The Reddit Replica community has a range of options when it comes to agents. However, I highly recommend using PandaBuy due to their unique features and pricing that are tailored to the replica community. Over the years, I’ve used several agents and have found that PandaBuy offers the most honest, swift, and professional customer experience. Many members of the community are starting to move towards PandaBuy, and in this guide, I’ll be using it as an example.
- Signing up As a precaution, I recommend using a unique password that isn’t used for any other websites. This is a precautionary measure that should be done on all websites, not just China-related sites. Also don’t worry about your payment information such as Paypal – You never enter your Paypal email + password on the PandaBuy homepage, it always redirects you to Paypal’s official website where you log in as usual. PandaBuy also uses a secure connection between you and them (https).
- Ordering Process – How to order (Image & Text Version)
- Go to after signing up HERE for your 5% off Discount
- Find the item you want on Taobao (Or contact one of the verified sellers directly on WhatsApp and get them to ship to the PandaBuy warehouse, such as and and paste in the link OR if you know the name of your seller, type it into the product navigation bar:
- Select the color and size you want and add it to your cart
- Choose your destination country from the Choose Destination Country box and select submit
- If you have an existing balance in your PandaBuy account from previous purchases that you have returned, you can use that to buy the product. If not, select your preferred payment method and pay for the order.
- Wait for the seller to ship the order. Once it arrives in the PandaBuy warehouse, you will receive a notification.
- View QC pictures of the product in your warehouse and submit it for shipping if you are satisfied with the product.