• When purchasing AirPods replicas, be aware that you’re purchasing from a third party that is attempting to replicate the original AirPods. This means that the customer service and buyer protection you may be accustomed to from traditional sellers may not be available from these sellers. It is important to carefully research sellers before making a purchase and to be prepared for potential issues with the product or seller.
• There are many sellers of AirPods replicas, including those that have verified reviews on this subreddit and on the discord. However, be aware that reviews on websites like AliExpress, DHgate, and other Chinese e-commerce websites may not be legitimate or unbiased. If you choose to purchase from an unverified seller, be prepared for the possibility of receiving a poor quality product. If this happens, be sure to update the staff team with the outcome of your experience.
• There are also resellers of AirPods replicas, such as PodsBay, BlackPods, Knockies, MGET, etc., who may sell the same products at a higher price. These resellers may offer additional services such as a warranty, buyer protection, customer service, and express shipping. However, be cautious when purchasing from resellers, as there have been reports of poor experiences with these sellers. In some cases, resellers may engage in unethical business practices and may be overpriced. Note that buying from a reseller does not guarantee a “better” product than what you would get from a traditional seller. In some cases, you may receive a worse quality product from a reseller.
• No-logo box: This type of box is white and has a generic shape that is similar to the original AirPods box. It features an image of AirPods, but does not have the “AirPods” text, Apple logos, or trademarks. The manual and charging cable included in the box are also generic and do not have the serial numbers that are typically found on original AirPods packaging.
• Apple logo box: This type of box resembles the packaging that you would receive when purchasing AirPods from Apple or another legitimate retailer. It has the traditional “AirPods” text and Apple logos on the outside, and the manuals and charging cable inside have Apple markings. Requesting an “Apple box” may increase the risk of the product being stopped in customs, resulting in a fine or destruction of the product. However, many sellers use a double box technique, where the actual Apple box is hidden inside a generic headphone-shaped box, which can help to reduce this risk.
• The quality of the box can vary, from well-made with correctly embossed text and aligned labels, to sloppier or lower quality. If the quality of the box is important to you, be sure to ask the seller for photos of the box before making a purchase.
• Please note that the box or packaging may arrive slightly dented or creased on the outside. This is often due to handling by the international and local courier, rather than the seller.
• The charging cable included in the box may not support data transfer like many other USB cables. This is because the sellers often use cables with dummy pins instead of real working pins in order to save money.
• The iOS popup appears almost instantly on some AirPods replicas, although this can vary depending on the seller and batch. In some cases, the popup may appear faster than on original AirPods.
• The range of most AirPods replicas is similar to that of original AirPods, at around 10 meters. This range can be affected by thick walls or other obstructions.
• The latency of some AirPods replicas may be better than on original AirPods, resulting in improved synchronization between audio and video. Websites like YouTube automatically adjust for latency.
• None of the currently available replicas support connecting to multiple devices at once using iCloud Connect.
• Some of the newer clones may have difficulty connecting to macOS. If this happens, please refer to the Troubleshooting section for potential solutions.
• Some batches or units of AirPods replicas may have issues playing audio on iOS, which is often caused by Apple WatchOS 7+. This can cause iOS to send all audio output to the watch instead of the AirPods. The V3M, V4.5, and newer versions have addressed this issue and should not cause problems. The fix for this issue can be found in the Troubleshooting section.
• In some cases, AirPods replicas may not connect to iOS devices at first. However, there is often a fix that can resolve this issue. Please refer to the Troubleshooting section for more information.
• The average battery life of AirPods replicas is around 3 hours per charge with normal use at a normal volume (75%). The AirPods case can charge the pods fully 2-3 times on average after a full charge. The latest AirPods Gen 2 replica, the V3M/V3U, claims to have a battery life of 5-6 hours per charge.
• The actual battery life may vary slightly depending on the version, the chip, and the particular batch. Some newer models may be able to achieve up to 5 hours of battery time, but it is not guaranteed.
• The battery levels on iOS devices may not always be accurate, but the AirPods replicas will beep when the battery is low (20%) just like original AirPods. On Android, you can check the battery levels in Bluetooth Devices, or use apps like TWTools (, Materialpods, or Andropods, etc. This issue has been fixed in newer replicas.
• The AirPods replicas support wireless charging, but be careful when using this feature. There is a small chance of overheating if the replicas are wirelessly charged for an extended period of time (longer than the 1-2 hours it takes to fully charge the replicas), and a very small risk of melting (burnt plastic has been reported in a very small number of cases). Fast charging (using a cable or wirelessly) may also cause the replicas to break, so use caution if you plan to use this feature.
• All current models of AirPods replicas support name changing, GPS (iOS only), and changing tap controls (iOS and macOS only). Some models also support Spatial Audio, Audio Share, and Live Listen (both iOS only). Certain AirPods Pro models support transparency mode (iOS only), and newer models support Active Noise Cancelling (ANC), although the ANC on these replicas may not be as effective as on original AirPods. It may take time for ANC on replicas to be fully perfected.
• The in-ear sensors on the replicas are almost instant, with a delay of around 1 second* to pause the music when removed from the ears. The “beep” sound when putting the AirPods in the ear is the correct Apple sound, although the quality may be lower on some models or batches.
• The tap controls or Force Touch controls on the replicas may take some getting used to, but they do work. For 2nd generation replicas, a firm tap is required, not a soft touch like on original AirPods. For Pro models, only a light push or squeeze is needed, not a touch.
• The microphone quality on the replicas is not the best. It is usable, but not as good as on original AirPods. However, the mic quality on the latest AirPods 2 replicas, the V3M/V3U, is very comparable to the mic quality on original AirPods.
• Some models of AirPods replicas have red/blue/green LEDs that will only turn on when resetting or malfunctioning. These LEDs will never come on during normal use. If the pods disconnect from each other and the LEDs turn on, please refer to the Troubleshooting section and do a pairing reset.
• The exact delay for the in-ear sensors may vary depending on the batch.
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) is a technology that creates a sensation of “cancelled noise” for the listener. This is achieved using the principles of constructive and destructive interference, where an “anti-noise” is produced to oppose the sound waves of the ambient outside noise, resulting in a cancellation effect.
While ANC aims to eliminate as much external noise as possible, very few headsets are able to provide a completely noiseless experience.
There are three different implementations of ANC: Feedback, Feedforward, and Hybrid. Each variation has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Feedback ANC (Filter Microphone inside the ear cup)
This method uses a microphone placed inside the ear cup, so that it picks up the same sounds that the listener would be exposed to. This allows the ANC to adapt to sudden changes and make signal corrections more effectively. Feedback ANC works well across a wide range of frequencies and is still effective even if the headset is worn in an odd or unusual way.
However, it is not as effective at handling high-frequency sounds, particularly in the 1000-2000 Hz range. An improper design can also result in noise feedback (a high-pitched shrill that sometimes comes from a microphone). Additionally, because the filter microphone is inside the ear cup, feedback ANC can filter out your music as it gets mixed in with the noise it is trying to cancel.
Feedforward ANC (Filter Microphone outside the ear cup)
A feedforward setup uses an external microphone to process the noise before the listener hears it, creating an anti-noise frequency and sending the filtered noise to the listener. This is effective because it captures the noise early and has more time to respond by producing the anti-noise. This allows feedforward ANC to be more successful at reducing high-frequency noises in the 1000-2000 Hz range.
However, feedforward ANC lacks self-correction because it never actually hears the anti-noise it is producing. It assumes that the listener will not hear any noise. If the headset is worn at an unusual angle, this can sometimes result in the amplification of certain frequencies.
In addition, feedforward ANC works in a smaller range of frequencies and is more exposed to the outside world and sensitive to noises like wind because the microphone is external.
Hybrid ANC (Filter Microphone inside AND outside the ear cup)
As the name suggests, the hybrid variation combines the best aspects of feedback and feedforward ANC by using both an external and internal microphone. This means it provides the benefits of both methods without any of the disadvantages. Hybrid ANC suppresses noise over a broader range, adapts to sudden changes in noise, and is not sensitive to the placement of the headset.
However, this comes at a higher cost because using two microphones often results in a higher price. The technology behind hybrid ANC is more complex and requires more expertise to perfect, making it more expensive overall. For example, the retail AirPods Pro use this hybrid variation, which is one of the reasons for their high price. We can also see this technology being replicated in the AirPods clone market. For example, HiCity’s newly released v4.5 (featuring the Airoha 1562A chipset) also replicates the hybrid ANC effect to provide a full and authentic noise-canceling experience.
• Overall, the case and pods have a good weight to them; some models might even have the accurate weight as the original AirPods.
• The hinge on some models is plastic with metallic paint, while others use a real metal hinge. Some plastic hinges feel cheap – they squeak, move, and do not feel solid. While they are usable, they are noticeable when compared to the original AirPods. Metal hinges feel significantly better.
• The “Designed by Apple” text on the back is in a similar font. The text inside the case and buds looks similar but does not say the same thing as the original AirPods. Some batches have real serial numbers while others do not. On some batches, the text is not straight or might be a lighter or darker grey than the original AirPods. The quality of the text varies by seller.
• The back button is flush with the case, but on some models, it clicks louder than the original and does not feel as smooth. Some batches have a more pronounced button.
• All the latest models have reverse magnets so the lid stays open when needed.
• Some models have an LED diffuser to dim the LED.
• On AirPods Pro replicas, make sure not to force off the ear tips if they do not come off easily, as this could damage the pods. To remove the ear tips, twist and pull them off, and hold the pod by its tip and not by the stem to prevent any damage.
• The best widely available AirPods 2, AirPods 3 and AirPods Pro replicas are about 8-9/10 in sound quality when compared to the original AirPods.
• Sound quality can vary depending on the version, the chip, and the batch. Many models have a focus on bass, but it is not overpowering. Mids come through nicely, but highs could be better (the EQ can vary by seller, and can be adjusted using a music player’s settings).
• These replicas are recommended for genres like Rap or EDM. If you listen to genres like Rock where songs have a lot of different instruments, they may sound a little messy.
• If you do not like the sound of your AirPods replicas, join our Discord server where many community members post their own EQ settings which may give you a sound you prefer.
• Delay is around 50-150 ms depending on the version. It is barely noticeable; for reference, the original AirPods have a delay of between 140-200 ms.
• Some older batches may come with a faint clicking sound in one ear when nothing is playing. This should go away when audio is played. There is currently no known way to fix this. Some batches may also have one ear louder than the other; this can be fixed in settings or physically for a better effect, as described in the troubleshooting section at