This database is not based on who is a trusted seller/safe to buy from. It is solely a massive list of all the frequently mentioned sellers and their various means of contact.
The database is categorized with three categories: Clothing, Shoes & Accessories.
Clothing #
007 #
- Yupoo (Chinese): 007
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: DZ-DONE
- WhatsApp: x
- Email: x
0832Club #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): 0832Club
- WeChat: A0832CLUB
- WhatsApp: x
- Email: x
3125tiger #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): 3125tiger
- WeChat: sangjonny6
- WhatsApp: x
- Email: x
Adidas/Nike Secret Store #
- Yupoo (Chinese): Adidas/Nike Secret Store
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 2270604114
- WhatsApp: x
- Email: x
Aimen Pan #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): Aimen Pan
- WeChat: q153086
- WhatsApp: x
- Email: x
Amy #
- Yupoo (Chinese): Amy
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: ta_0419 / 2: 18360348026 / 3: UncleMAO-
- WhatsApp: x
- Email: x
Babatique #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): Babatique
- WeChat: +8615013267584
- WhatsApp: +8615013267584
- Email:
BagsOffer #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): BagsOffer
- WeChat: 1: GAO877458861 / 2: a180286
- WhatsApp: +8618028603895
- Email: 1: / 2:
Biglong999 Store #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): Biglong999 Store
- WeChat: biglong99999
- WhatsApp: +8613427681026
- Email:
Black Cat #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): blackcatstudio
- WeChat: blackcatstudio
- WhatsApp: y
- Email: y
Black Eyes – M #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): Black Eyes – M
- WeChat: FLY9598
- WhatsApp: +8618650686160
- Email: x
Black Eyes – F #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): Black Eyes – F
- WeChat: FLY9598
- WhatsApp: +8618650686160
- Email: x
CloyAd #
- Yupoo (Chinese): CloyAd Studio
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: A_dongcc / 2: CloyAD990
- WhatsApp: x
- Email: x
Davies Clock #
- Yupoo (Chinese): y
- Yupoo (English): y
- WeChat: DVSCLK
- WhatsApp: y
- Email: y
Dollar Dora #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): Dollar Dora
- WeChat: –
- WhatsApp: 1: +8618858253431 / 2: +8618858408171
- Email:
Edgy Walker #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): EdgyWalker
- WeChat: –
- WhatsApp: 1: +8613809775377 / 2: +8615766994633
- Email: y
Shoes #
158sir #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): 158sir
- WeChat: hi158sir
- WhatsApp: –
- Email: –
Aichaoxieli #
- Yupoo (Chinese): Aichaoxieli
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: aichaoxieli / 2: Aichaoxieli-3
- WhatsApp: –
- Email: –
Bela Shoes #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: belamaxshop3
- WhatsApp: +8115989134726
- Email:
BoostMaster Lin #
- Yupoo (Chinese): BoostMaster Lin
- Yupoo (English): BoostMaster Lin
- WeChat: 1: yumj53 / 2: jin470876885 / 3: louiswinner3 / 4: luoiswinnersi / 5: louiswinnerwu
- WhatsApp: 1: +8618030336775 / 2: +8618059527431
- Email: 1: / 2:
Bruce #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: bruce18909162046 / 2: Brucesneaker
- WhatsApp: +8618909162046
- Email:
CoCo #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: coco-s7
- WhatsApp: +8618059576801
- Email:
Eva Yeezy #
- Yupoo (Chinese): Eva Yeezy
- Yupoo (English): EvaYeezy
- WeChat: 1: evayeezy / 2: evayeezys
- WhatsApp: 1: +8615160281479 / 2: +8613585797858
- Email:
Fisher Man #
- Yupoo (Chinese): Fisher Man
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: xia16675 / 2: zza6366 / 3: xia16676
- WhatsApp: +8616602067117
- Email: –
Flight Kickz #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: Flightkickz / 2: LN5plug
- WhatsApp: y
- Email:
Accessories #
Alice and Madcat #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: dongminalice / 2: Dongminalice02 / 3: madcatalice
- WhatsApp: –
- Email: –
Alingbags #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: bags800
- WhatsApp: +8615975210110
- Email: –
Alisa #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: HDD201810 / 2: lli119988
- WhatsApp: y
- Email:
Angel #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: Aglbirkin
- WhatsApp: +8617608421433
- Email: –
Angel or QinQin Factory #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: 1: bao0814 / 2: z915339250 / 3: QinQin-Factory
- WhatsApp: 1: +8613682271165 / 2: +8618065507552
- Email: 1: / 2:
Angie #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: happyniess2016
- WhatsApp: +8613647813601
- Email:
April Bags #
- Yupoo (Chinese): –
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: ap000713
- WhatsApp: –
- Email: –
Aresoo Jewelry #
- Yupoo (Chinese): Aresoo Jewelry
- Yupoo (English): –
- WeChat: Aresoo800
- WhatsApp: –
- Email: